A record breaking youth camp
The month of July is a crowning moment for the youth in our congregation. For several months, we have been planning our annual youth camp that brings together youth from all around the metropolitan area of Recife, including some from neighboring states.
This year the camp turns 13 and is officially a “teenager”! And to make the date even more special, we were blessed with a series or record breaking numbers. We usually organize our camp for 80 campers. This is usually how many our staff, comprised by church members, can take. This year however, there were up to 120 campers! Wow!
The second record breaker was the five baptisms that we had during camp! A unique statistic of our annual youth camp is that most of our campers are friends and family of our youth group members. This means that most teens do not have a home church or a strong commitment to Christ. And we were blessed to witness God moving in their lives and bringing these five teenagers into His Body.
The camp this year was called “You Decide” and taught about the many small and big decisions we make through life. We studied the book of Daniel and learned how he had to make some tough decisions during his youth! This served as a wakeup call to all of us, strengthening our commitment to honor Jesus in our decisions.
All glory be to Him!