Alex’s first impressions

Note: Alexandra, 18, is the granddaughter of my first cousin. She’s fresh out of high school, works as a technician in a hospital and preparing to go to college in January. I’d never met her until she contacted me recently saying she’d like to visit because she’s considering doing mission work. It was a blessing getting to know her during her two-week visit. Here are some of her first impressions. – Mike

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed! Last night was such an amazing eye opener. First I got to go to the School of the Bible and helped make teddy bears for children with cancer. Next week I will get the chance to take those bears to the hospital. Second I got to go walk the streets and give the homeless people soup and bread. That had to be by far my favorite part of last night. As we were passing out the food I couldn’t understand anything they were saying, but that was a blessing and I didn’t know it. Instead of listening to what they were saying, I got to watch their emotions. It was overwhelming to see how thankful they were that someone loved them enough to do this. How they feel is how we should all feel. We have a father whose love is unwavering and yet we take it for granted. Most of the homeless people were eager to pray. How awesome is it that someone who has nothing will still pray. Our God is still an awesome God. After handing out food we went to the church building and I got to sit in on a class learning English through Luke 6, The Sabbath Day. The people in the class were all adults, but they were eager to learn and wanted to soak everything up. We should all be as eager as them! In Luke 6:12, Jesus prayed on a mountain all night. Some of us hardly pray at all. Why is it that the Son of God will pray all night, but we feel as if we don’t need to? I hope one day we all realize that prayer can truly move mountains. Prayer gave Jesus the 12 apostles and they were just everyday people. So it is time for us “everyday people” to stand up and DO SOMETHING! Deus Abençoe! (God Bless!)        – Alexandra
