Archive by Author

Brazil Mission Week 1

Brazil Mission Week 1

A group of four students from Lubbock, Texas were part of a two week mission trip in Recife. Briana, Monica, Alex and Dylan had set in their hearts to journey to Brazil. They met up at a college ministry called Christ in Action, and under the guidance of David Pounds, they planned and packed their […]

Family of God Celebration

Family of God Celebration

The first Sunday of August was marked by a great celebration of fellowship. We held at a gymnasium in the downtown area a worship service called “Dia da Familia de Deus” (in English: Day of the Family of God). Around 800 brethren from around the metropolitan area joined as one to praise God and share […]

“Acampateen” Teen Camp (p. 2)

“Acampateen” Teen Camp (p. 2)

It wasn’t the fun videos, wacky games, or thematic dinners that had the strongest impact on the campers. What kept them talking for weeks on after was a special skit called Judgment House. Traditionally, on the second night of camp we would set up a haunted house where kids would have to find their way […]

“Acampateen” Teen Camp (p. 1)

"Acampateen" Teen Camp (p. 1)

July is a very busy month for everyone involved in any kind of youth ministry. While it is in the middle of summer time in the US, it is our winter break here. Kids get off one month from school. And it is during this month that we have the Acampateen – a large retreat […]