Archive by Author

In the days of your youth: Kids’ & Teen Camps


On more than one occasion, we have tried VBS in the past, but it does not work well in this culture. Instead, we have a four-day annual retreat called “Kids’ Camp.” It runs from Thursday through Sunday. It was held two weeks ago at the Lar Mana orphanage spacious site on the city’s edge. 2024 […]

The Christian Chronicle shares Café’s story


In our last newsletter, we shared the inspiring story of Café, a Brazilian soccer star turned evangelist, who continues to do the Lord’s work despite battling early-onset Alzheimer’s. Erik Tryggestad of The Christian Chronicle picked up the story and did a fantastic job expanding on it with further research. We encourage you to read the […]

Unity and Service: Reflections from the 25th Great Supper.

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25th Great Supper Over the long Easter weekend, Aureni and I participated in the 25th Great Supper. This year, it was held in Cajazeiras, 400 miles northwest of Recife. This event brings together church members from various congregations across the State of Paraiba for a time of worship and Bible study. Approximately 120 brethren from […]

Rediscovering Agape: Lessons in Love from The Sermon on the Mount

The letters of James and 1 Peter (Mar24)

Last month marked the beginning of a new period at the School of the Bible. Some of the courses offered this time include the Letter to the Romans, the Letters of James and 1 Peter, and The Art of Preaching. I have twenty students in my course on The Sermon on the Mount. About half […]