Day of the Family of God
Sunday was the big annual Day of Family of God when all the congregations in Recife get together. We’ve done this event for over twenty-five years but this was only the second time made it a daylong event. The assembly took up most of the morning. After a good lunch together, most people stayed for the activities in the afternoon. There were various simultaneous seminars (on leadership, health, consumer rights, sports for kids, etc.) and plenty of visiting with brothers and sisters that one doesn’t get to see every Sunday as they attend another congregation. The official count was 910 people present. Many were visitors brought by members. Besides all of the congregations of Greater Recife present there were some brethren from the interior of the State (like Caruaru) and a carload or two came down from Joao Pessoa. Everyone had a memorable day of fellowship.
A special thanks goes to Antonio Silva and the brothers and sisters of the Pexinhos congregation who worked so hard to make it the most enjoyable to date.