Greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven ( with video)
This month, we had a week-long visit from a group affiliated with the Healing Hands International ministry ( based in Nashville.
This ministry sends boxes of supplies (including school and hygiene materials and Bibles) to underprivileged children worldwide. Nine members of the group came from the Glen Allen Church of Christ in Richmond, Virginia, while one came from a congregation in Pittsburgh.
Of the nine members from the Glen Allen church, three are Brazilians who are members there. Two of these are a Christian couple who found Jesus at the Boa Vista (downtown) congregation in Recife but moved to Richmond several years ago. They are the ones who linked the Healing Hands ministry with our Lar Mana orphanage.
During the week the team was here, they gave away three hundred boxes of supplies. All forty of the Lar Mana kids received one, as did all the children in a poor community near Lar Mana. Additionally, the group went to a small, impoverished community in the state’s interior to distribute material to disadvantaged children there.
On Sunday, the team visited the Boa Vista (downtown) congregation, which allowed the church to meet their brothers and sisters from afar. On Wednesday at the prayer meeting, Chris Langley, minister with the Glen Allen church, gave the Bible study. He delivered a good message on how love is the most important gift we can give away. This is exactly what we witnessed in the group.
All the love and attention the children received were a real blessing for both them and the team. They left everyone who met them encouraged in our wonderful Lord, who is the origin of such selfless attitudes.
If you have a minute, please watch this short video on their visit.