New meeting place inaugurated

The Sao Lourenço congregation at the western edge of metropolitan Recife is currently the second largest congregation in the State. They have about 110 members and several in the training of the Word. And though they are still working on having their first elders, they are blessed with several deacons. They are a vibrate light for Jesus in their community.

Last month they held a special inauguration ceremony for their new auditorium. I was invited to speak at it on Christ giving His life for us from Philippians 2:1-11 (and leaving us and example to pour ourselves out for the brethren). Bio and Mozart (their two gifted evangelists) said there were 120 present for this special event. I gave an invitation at the end (we don’t have this custom here but it was requested as it they had a lot of visitors). One young man responded to the Gospel and was baptized into Christ. Praise Him!
