Old Friends Made New in Christ
“A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” Pv. 18:24
Over the past couple of months, I have sat down to study the Bible with Peter and Lucas. They are two young men at our church who are very close friends. They remind me of David and Jonathan, whose friendship was of great value.
Peter’s parents have been in the church for some time now. But Peter is very shy and keeps to himself. He is not the outgoing type, but seems to focuses more on a small number of friends who he is able to open up to. And Lucas is one of these friends that he started bringing to church. They both attend the same school, and Peter used his friendship to invite Lucas for Bible studies.
It was a great joy to see both Peter and Lucas come to the decision of being followers of Christ, and sealing their commitment in baptism. Their families were present as made arrangements to have the baptism. Unfortunately, we ran out of water at our church building for the baptistery. But we were quickly invited to brother’s home who had a pool nearby.
They both gave their lives to God in the presence of family and friends from church. Their friendship stands as a challenge for us to realize the opportunity we have for building lasting relationships that have a positive impact on the lives of one another.