School of the Bible Wrap-Up for 2016
The School of the Bible is in the middle of our first intensive courses for 2017. We are currently teaching two courses: “Sermon on the Mount” and “Heroes of the Faith”. In a few weeks we will being our regular 10 week long courses. In the mean time we would like to quickly review how the year 2016 went.
Total Number of Courses Taught
Over the year we taught 40 courses. We focused in 3 areas: general Bible, theology and English (ESL) or Spanish as a second language.
Some examples of the courses taught in the general Bible category were:
- How to Read and Understand the Bible
- The Book of Revelation
- How to Live Eternity with God
Some examples of courses taught in the basic theology track were:
- Introduction to the Bible
- Apologetics
- History of the Church
- Survey of the NT and OT
In our language classes we teach basic and conversation English and Spanish.
Total Number of Enrollments
We had a total of 440 students enroll. 272 in our Bible courses and 168 in our English courses. This rounds out roughly to 146 students in each of our 10 week long course periods.
We have students from all walks of lives. They come from different educational, financial and religious backgrounds. Our goal is to offer quality courses that help students become familiar with God’s Word.
Total Number of Teachers Participating
There were 14 teachers from 4 different local congregations. We also had 4 guest teachers from the US take part in our ESL courses.
We are very blessed in having brothers and sisters take time from their busy schedules to help teach.
Current challenges
We are still feeling the consequences of Brazil’s worst economic recession in 30 years. Funds to support our staff, help teachers, pay for print materials and maintenance are low. Students are also struggling to have time and resources to attend classes. But we are confident that God will provide as He always has. And we are thankful for the large amount of students that were edified by this ministry.
Would you like to know more about the School of the Bible ministry or learn how you can help? Feel free to contact us here. And if you would you like to see more photos of our 2016 activities like the ones below, click here.