Tag Archives: churches

What a day of rejoicing that will be!

Family of God (18Aug13)

We had a small sampling of that great day last Sunday. It was the Day of the Family of God assembly. This is an annual event where all the congregations in Greater Recife come together for celebration, commemoration and fellowship. We sing praises to God in a mighty chorus; we break bread together as one […]

Learning to live together

What comes to mind when you think about Brazil? It is well known for its soccer, beaches and also Carnaval. I like soccer and I like the beach, Carnaval, however, is a whole different story. For four or five days the whole country stops to party in the streets. What began as a religious observance […]

Soldiers of Christ

armor of god

Are you ready for the spiritual battles? Every year in the northeast of Brazil we have a special event called Mega Encontro de Jovens (Great Youth Gathering). While we have several youth gatherings throughout the year, there is something special that makes this one unique: Most youth events are hosted by some of our older […]

Unexpected blessing

Unexpected blessing

John is a long time family friend from the states. Here are some of his thoughts during his visit in Brazil: It feels like I’ve just arrived in Recife for my annual visit with the Pruitt family, but unfortunately, my time here is already almost gone! During my first week, I attended the “25th Annual […]