The big news this month is the 31st annual Congresso (Lectureship) of the Northeast (Brazil). It started Thursday and ran through Sunday. It was held in city of Belo Jardim (120 miles west of Recife). Each year this event moves around the cities of Northeast Brazil. It was the third time this congregation hosted it. […]
Tag Archives: city
A weekend to remember
I had a very enjoyable weekend with the congregation at the city of Belo Jardim, about 90 miles west of Recife. The young adults of the congregation planned a campaign over the weekend to invite their neighbors to a special meeting on Saturday night. We walked all over the city handing out invites. We also […]
Soldiers of Christ
Are you ready for the spiritual battles? Every year in the northeast of Brazil we have a special event called Mega Encontro de Jovens (Great Youth Gathering). While we have several youth gatherings throughout the year, there is something special that makes this one unique: Most youth events are hosted by some of our older […]
Conference of congregations in Northeast Brazil
The big event this month was the 26th annunal CHRISTIAN CONFERENCE OF THE NORTHEAST. This four day event was started all those years ago to help brothers and sisters in Christ keep in touch with one another as the church began to spread out across Northeast Brazil. Today there are 135 congregations spread out over […]