Tag Archives: community

O the depth of the riches

Seminar in Prazeres (240813)

Last weekend I was invited to teach a short course on the Book of Romans (my favorite) at the congregation in Prazeres, on the metropolis’ south side. This congregation is a daughter of the Boa Vista (downtown) church and was planted in the eighties to better reach that community, which is fifteen miles distant. Today […]

New Classes at the School of the Bible


The first semester of the School of the Bible is well on its way. We have many students enrolled and who are eager to learn the word of God. The School of the Bible is one of the main ways we reach out to the community around us. We offer many courses that help seekers […]

The fields are ready for harvesting now!

The fields are ready for harvesting now!

A week ago Sunday morning was the completion ceremony for this term of the School of the Bible. This ministry offers Bible courses to the public in a school-like setting where they can seek the answers to their questions about God and His will for their lives. Courses normally meet once a week for eight […]

Brazil Mission Week 2

Brazil Mission Week 2

During the second week, they continued to build relationships while experiencing new aspects of Brazil. They were able to enjoy a day at a beautiful tropical beach. And in sharp contrast, they spent a day walking the dirty streets of a favela (impoverished neighborhoods) and visiting a family living in precarious conditions. The end of […]