Tag Archives: Draft

My trip to Jonathan’s graduation

In December I received a very special gift. I had the privilege of attending my youngest son’s graduation in Texas. For me, who has a fear of flying, lives far away in Brazil and hasn’t traveled overseas by myself in 32 years, it wasn’t very easy. However, my desire to be with Jonathan, 23, at […]

He appointed twelve that they might be with him

Training seminar 01Nov13

Last weekend was a two-day seminar for church leaders on how to more effectively train leaders in our congregations. It was held at a hotel not far from the Boa Vista (downtown) church building and was taught by veteran missionaries Jerry and Gail Heiderich from the south of Brazil. They are both trained family counselors […]

Regrets, remorse and repentance


This month’s ‘Servants’ meeting featured a message by veteran missionary Joe McKinney. The lesson was entitled “Regrets, remorse and repentance of an old church worker”. He began by relating an interview he read in a magazine of a man dying of AIDS. The man was asked, “If he had his life to live over again, […]