Tag Archives: English

A New Phase for the School of the Bible

Our first Theology course students studying the Old Testament.

The School of the Bible is entering a new phase. As you may know, the school has been one of our main outreach efforts in the city of Recife, making Bible classes available for the community since 1982. And it has become the main focus of my ministry here over the past couple of years. […]

New Graduates at the School of the Bible


We just finished a our last few courses for the year. During the month of November, we offered three intensive four-week long courses with around 40 students in attendance. Personally, I enjoy having fewer students around the school as I have the opportunity to grow closer to them. I had the opportunity to get to […]

Teaching more than English

Maria, Ester and family

Maria and her family were interested in learning English. After all, knowing English as a second language may give her the edge at her job, and also help her girls at school. So she decided to take English classes at the School of the Bible. It was through this contact that her family came to […]

New English classes at the School of the Bible

2012-09-05 20.01.41

Carlos has no church. In fact he is turned off by churches from previous bad experiences. If you offered Carlos a Bible study, he would reject it without thinking twice. How are we to reach out to people like Carlos? Continue reading and you will see something we are trying. This year the School of […]