Tag Archives: evangelism

Day of the Bible 2015

Josh and Lívia with invited friends

You may not know this, but there is a special day out of the year that is designated to commemorate the Bible, “The Day of the Bible.” Here in Brazil, the second Sunday in December is set apart of this day. This year it fell on December 13th. Here at the church we decided to […]

From the pews to the streets

Tempo para Deus 013

Here is a report written from a brother in the downtown congregation regarding our communitywide campaign in July, where many from the church went out into the streets handing out tracks, meeting new people and inviting them to hear about God’s word: My mom used to say “one hand washes the other and with both […]

Increasing our outreach to the lost


Last week veteran missionary Alan Nalley came with his family from Curitiba in the far south of Brazil to teach a seminar on small group evangelism. Fifty-two church leaders came from fourteen different congregations to gleam from his experience on how to more effectively reach the lost in the time God has given us here.

Classes begin at School of the Bible

Classes begin at School of the Bible

“Who am I?” “Why I am I here?” “Where will I go after this life?” These are some of the questions we offer to answer students through the School of the Bible. We started the school in 1982 as an effort to give Brazilians the tools they need to read and understand the Bible. Most […]