West of Recife: A Special Visit

The Wests visiting churches.

For we wanted to come to you… but Satan blocked our way.” – 1Thess. 2:18

David and Shana West help shepherd the Country Club Road congregation in Roswell, NM. This Body of believers has been involved in the Recife, Brazil mission effort since it began.

For a long time, David and Shana have wanted to visit their brothers and sisters here. Several years ago, they were ready to make the trip. But just before they were to travel, they had a serious car accident that put them on a long road to recovery.

At last, the time was right, and they came for a two-week visit this month. They filled their days here, going about doing good. Here are some of the highlights:

  • They were able to see the School of the Bible functioning and meet some of the teachers and students.
  • The two Sundays they were here David taught the Sunday school English Bible class at the downtown congregation.
  • The evening of the first Sunday, we went to the congregation of Peixinhos on the northside of town. Afterward, we shared a meal with the brethren there.
  • On the last Sunday, David preached to the downtown congregation on “Encouraging the Encouragers” (1 Thess. 1:1-10). Joshua translated.
  • During the week they were able to visit in many of the members’ homes.
  • Checked out the site for the annual Teen Camp just outside of Recife, which was held the following week.
  • Taught two evangelistic Bible studies, one at a member’s home, the other at the Curado church building on the westside of town. I translated.
  • Handed out literature for the School of the Bible on the street to interested people passing by.
  • Perhaps one of the most touching moments was spending time with the children at Lar Mana – they are so hungry for affection.

Finally, the Wests were able to come and encourage their Brazilian brothers and sisters about whom they’ve been hearing for many years. However, the most blessed from their trip were Aureni and I who got to know these two Christlike people.

David teaching at the Curado church of Christ.